Confessions of a Lion King Fanartist

April 16, 2010

Shameless Plug

Filed under: Uncategorized — koraden @ 3:44 am
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So…since this is my blog, I can promote whatever I want, right?
So…y’all need to check out my Photobucket account!

If you like The Lion King, you should like what I have compiled there.  I’ve tried to collect images, photos, scans from around the Internet in one place. I have everything from clipart to concept art, model sheets to sticker sheets, plush to picture book scans.  I’ve tried to collect as many LK comic scans as I can get my paws on, and my current project is working on getting more picture book scans and getting better versions of the scans I have.

I’m constantly updating, so please check back.  And if you’ve found or are in possession of LK photos, merchandise, good quality scans, etc. and are willing to share, drop me a line!  I’ll never say no to more LK things to put on my Photobucket… I have LK-inspired fashion looks, for goodness’ sake!  I’ll take anything! =)  Have fun looking at my account, and feel free to give me any suggestions/feedback you have!

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