Confessions of a Lion King Fanartist

March 27, 2010

Lineart by Moi

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I was working on a collab with Mizan in Sketcher a few days ago (here’s how it turned out) where we did something fun and colored each other’s lines.  Mizan mentioned something about how my lines were fun to color, and that I should consider putting lineart like that up for others to play with.

It’s an interesting thought, particularly because I have never offered lineart up that has been drawn in Sketcher before.  In Sketcher I usually use a technique I call a “refined sketch” – I sketch heavier and heavier in a gray color which eventually becomes my lines (works well since the layers in Sketcher all multiply).  My Sketcher lines usually wind up looking so much better than my Photoshop ones – this lineart to the right was done in Photoshop and I don’t like it much at all.

The problem is, I am jealous of my lines.  They are mine!  MINE!  It’s like the story of the Little Red Hen…I came up with the character, I sketched the character, I refined my sketch, and now I wanna eat the gosh-darned bread!  Meaning, I want to color it because coloring is the most funnest thing ever compared to the pain of sketch/lining.  I love color.  I even made a site contest about colors, once.  One of my favorite television shows has to do with using color to decorate.

So, if you ever see me succumb and put up some Sketcher lines for other fanartists to color, now you will know the pain I had to go through to force myself to do that. Aagh!

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