Confessions of a Lion King Fanartist

March 29, 2010

Why a Blog?

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Well, I am now ten posts into this nifty experiment called a blog, and so far I’m liking it.  So maybe it’s time to talk a little more about why I decided to try it in the first place.

The biggest reason, I suppose, is my community-specific drawing style.  Currently I upload exclusively at The Lion King Fan Art Archive.  For a while I used a FurAffinity gallery just so I could link to bigger .png files of my work.  At one time I did a couple of pieces of artwork forWajas as well.  But both of those quickly died out, while my presence at TLKFAA has remained strong ever since 2006.

I’ve talked about in my uploads why I stick with TLKFAA instead of, say, deviantART,or while I only upload at TLKFAA and not other LK sites like MLKFAA.  It has to do with restraining myself so that digital art doesn’t overwhelm my life, among other things.  However, the result of this means that on TLKFAA, the only way I can express myself is in 750 characters per upload, which is incredibly frustrating for someone as verbose as myself – see my AotM speech for how annoyingly wordy I can be.  (Needless to say, I loathe sites like Twitter…and don’t get me started on YouTube comments.  Reducing intelligent conversation to txtspeak–my little Creative Writing brain would be screaming hysterically all the way to the looney bin.  Ah, I’m getting a great idea for a short story…but I digress.)

If I had a “journal” on DeviantArt I would be able to write all I wanted, but with the 750-char limit on TLKFAA that just isn’t possible.  Hence, blog.  Now I can happily blather here on Coalf for as long as I want, not worried about tichy details such as being careful not to double-space after sentences since that eats up my precious characters-remaining.  Hopefully in the future I can direct traffic from my TLKFAA uploads if I find myself with something more to say about a particular picture, and in the meantime I can chatter to myself about myself, setting my thoughts about my art down on paper, as it were.

And so that is a very basic backstory for the reason I began to blog.  And for those interested, this post is precisely 2160 characters. ;)

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